Sep 13, 2016

Face Lift! My blog got UPGRADED!!!

First, let me thank everyone for the amazing outpouring of support for our blog!  It is truly amazing how many people have contacted us with questions or atta-girl-s...all the while I continue to write about our many missteps in this crazy journey of building a modern farmhouse :)

In a surprise to no one, our adventures in blogging have enjoyed similar miscalculations.  But perhaps that was understandable given that the purpose of this blog started off as an information repository to house emailed information I had sent to friends/co-workers/family   Admittedly, my focus was not really on the aesthetics of the blog...until now :)

Thanks to Designer Blogs, I now have a blog that is easy on the eyes!!!  There appear to be two main blog platforms, blogger and Wordpress.  I started off using blogger so this article references that platform.  

Many of you know that I am just a little busy, just like all of us.  I work full time, have two rambunctious and adorable daughters, a cute ginger hubby who works a lot, a photography passion...and awesome friends I don't see enough...and now a blog!  Phew!  It takes a lot of planning just to get content out, let alone figuring out how to make the platform pretty.  The idea of trying to teach myself how to update my blog seemed like a hill too high to climb.  Again, WRONG!

Enter Kate Gaj from Designer Blogs.  Apparently, there are companies like Designer Blogs that have premade templates that can be customized.  The biggest selling feature for me???


In other words, I did not have to figure out have to copy over all my content to a new blog.  I just selected the options I was interested in and Kate emailed me with questions!  She then sent me design previews for me the review and make changes.  Designer Blogs offer different levels of assistance, from beautiful blog platforms that you would upload yourself, an in-between option that allows you to customize certain items, and a full-out customization option.  Check out the results!  My blog head went from this:

Blah, not horrible but not great, to this:  

I know what you are thinking....

I know.  It is a clean look, modern, categories with dropdowns to make the blog easier to read and navigate.  Then you get to the blog post section:

It went from this:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . 

. . . to this!

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